Looking for a video production company in Irvine?
VideoFresh specializes in producing stunning, creative videos for Irvine based companies through an all-new, time-saving and budget saving process!
VideoFresh Video Production Samples
When someone searches for “video production company in Irvine”, one of the options that is almost always found near the top of lists that showcase the best video production companies in Irvine, is VideoFresh. Review our production samples to find out why.
Videos that not only look great, but also perform great.
With every video we produce, VideoFresh performs deep analysis on key factors to set your content up for success.
The best of everything
VideoFresh’s trademarked process for its video production service delivers the following for our Irvine based clients:
The quality of a large production house
The cost-effectiveness of an in-house videographer
The time savings of a boutique team
The expertise of a marketing agency

What our clients are saying
“VideoFresh always brings light, heart, and vision to every video project.”
Cindy Malouf
Director of Marketing | KIPP SOCAL
“VideoFresh has helped us expand our video library immensely.”
Brad Claypool
Creative Director | VANITY PLANET
Why Choose VideoFresh?
Top quality videos
VideoFresh creates stunning videos for eCommerce brands.
Lower pricing with volume
The more videos we do for you, the lower the cost each.
A smooth a simple process
Enjoy expert guidance through every project.
More conversions
We put your marketing objectives first.
The Perfect Video Guarantee
We will not stop working on your video until you love it, making every project with us a zero-risk decision.
Have a video project in mind?
We are happy to discuss the project with you and offer creative ideas and content strategy, free of charge!
VideoFresh Offers Affordable Video Production in Irvine
For brands looking for a video-production company in Irvine, VideoFresh would love to work with you. We can meet-up in person or via Zoom, or we can get on a call for a quick chat.
We are a very customer service focused video production that helps brands that need to regularly produce video content.
We have found that annual subscriptions plans work well for many businesses. By committing to a fixed number of filming days, VideoFresh are able to offer lower costs as the number of filming days needed increases.
But beware, 97% of our clients never try another video production company again.